A lovely day at Cotswold Farm Park.
The weather was beautiful after such a stormy night so we could all take our time and really enjoy the sights at Cotswold Rare Breeds...
Scenic Scenes
More beauty from the Lake District where the National Trust have found exciting plant diversity exists in areas that have been grazed for...
Be sure to get involved with #farm24 this Thursday 8th August on all social media platforms to promote British farming and the Albion!
Out and about in the Lake District!
Some lovely calves born this spring, with at least 7 heifers born and a couple of bull calves being kept entire. Also a new young bull,...
Procreate and Proliferate!
Check out the new AI straw stock updates for Albion bulls (See 'AI bulls') and you will see how important it is to collect from new...
RBST Cattle Seminar!
What progress from last year...we have made the cover of the RBST watch list! On 22nd May a very interesting cattle seminar was held by...
Happy Easter!
Easter brings new life and hope.
Countryfile features Albions in Cheshire!
Last Sunday, 10th March, 18-30, there was a section filmed near Sandbach, Cheshire from the society's chairman's farm on BBC Countryfile....
Can you lick your nostrils?
The third bull calf out of 3 born this month!
Albionuary not Veganuary!
Albions featured on Radio 4's Farming Today, 8th January. Missed it? Click here to listen again. Question: Is it right to eat rare...